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17 Feb 2022Careers

This is a pre-recorded webinar with our senior tutor, Sue Searle. Playing time 1hour 8 minutes. Watch it HERE.

Free Webinar Jan 2022 website
14 Jan 2022Careers

How to achieve your goals Did you make some New Year’s Resolutions? Do you find they don’t usually work for […]

22 Apr 2021Careers

In this webinar you will learn how to work towards your survey licences with particular emphasis on bat, great crested […]

9 Mar 2021Careers

Join Sue Searle, BSc, PGDip, MCIEEM, Principal Ecologist for a webinar on the key skills needed for ecological consultancy. Sue […]

18 Feb 2021Careers

Join Sue Searle BSc, PGDip, MCIEEM, Principal Ecologist at Ecology Training UK for a free webinar on how to get […]

Bat in building
28 Jan 2021Careers

Suitable for anyone planning a career in ecological consultancy join Sue Searle, Principal Ecologist from Ecology Training UK for some […]

12 Jan 2021Careers

Wanting to get your ecology career started? Feeling like you need a bit of motivation and encouragement? Join Sue Searle […]

Why choose us?

Our unrivalled, expert courses bridge the gap between learning and the rounded, practical education you need to win over recruiters and secure your dream role.