4 modules
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Birds for Beginners is a self-study course suitable for anyone with a general interest in birds and anyone working in ecological consultancy or conservation. Birds are fascinating creatures, found in all habitat types, from farmland to buildings, woodlands to the coast. They are often key indicators of habitat health. During the course, you will gain tips and information to help you learn British Bird identification as well as an engaging insight into the evolution of birds.

Identifying birds is a key skill for ecological consultants. As they are so common and widespread, if you are conducting ecological surveys, you will be required to identify birds.

Birds for Beginners Course Description:

This introductory course is designed for anyone, especially ecologists and conservation workers who want to learn the basics of bird identification. It will help you to enjoy bird watching or start carrying out bird surveys. It is aimed at beginners with little or no knowledge of the birds of the UK. The course will cover:

  • Evolution of birds
  • Introduction to bird identification (characteristic behaviours, anatomy and key features e.g. beaks, feet, legs, wing shape, feathers and markings).
  • Bird families
  • Birds and habitats
  • Bird identification in the field
  • Introduction to bird song in the field
  • Birdwatching tips
  • Encouraging birds to your garden

Courses modules:

Module 1

Birds for Beginners Part 1

Module 2

Birds for Beginners Part 2

Module 3

Birds for Beginners Part 3

Module 4

Birds for Beginners END OF COURSE QUIZ

The course is video based with 3 videos:

Video 1 – In this video, we cover bird evolution, anatomy and key identification features. This includes beaks, legs, feet, behaviour, markings and feather colours. Playing time 49 mins.

Video 2 – In this video we look specifically at a range of common species and their identification including tits, finches, corvids, owls and birds of prey. Playing time 29 mins.

Video 3  – In this video you will learn tips on bird watching, encouraging birds into your garden, key resources and equipment you need to enjoy birds and have an introduction to bird song. Playing time 36 mins.

There is a quiz at the end and if you get over 70% you will receive a Certificate.

Here’s what our students are saying:

Specific ways to identify birds on the wing – like the white rumps in house martins. and pictures of females if different to males. The breadth of ways you helped us learn about birds – calls, anatomy, looks, bill shape, etc. An enjoyable, thorough, and actionable introduction to UK birds! 🙂
Niall Dolan
This course is really useful to give junior ecologists a starting point for bird surveying. I would highly recommend it to any new ecologists particularly those with no previous bird knowledge
the video’s are so useful & I learnt loads – thank you. I’m really enjoying the course.
In the video about bird watching I enjoyed the lecturer going out into the field to show where the birds can be found and their calls in the wild
As somebody that considers birds by far my weakest area of ecology this course has improved my knowledge on them dramatically, and provided all the tools I need to keep doing so in the future.
Depth of knowledge was excellent.


If you are purchasing a course/s on behalf of another person, please follow these steps to ensure they can access their course/s:

  1. Add course/s to your basket.
  2. At checkout, if you can use the students email address when booking, please do so.
  3. Leave us a note in the ‘additional information’ box to let us know it was purchased for another person, please include their full name and email address.

If you do not provide this here or email us with this information, the student will not have access to their course/s.

If you have any problems with this process, please get in touch – [email protected] or 03301653024.

If you are purchasing courses on behalf of multiple other people, follow these steps to ensure they can access their course/s:

  1. Add the correct number of courses for all the students you are purchasing for. (example: If three people need to take Mammal ID, add it to basket three times)

If you would prefer to purchase via invoice (popular for companies), we are able to arrange this! Use the Email Address below to get in touch.

2. Once purchased, contact us directly to let us know the Full Names and Email Addresses for each of the students you have bought for.

If you have any problems with this process, please get in touch – [email protected] or 03301653024.

The final exam is designed to test whether you have learned the appropriate knowledge and skills during this course. If you take the final exam and do not pass, we encourage you to review the course material and ensure you have read, understood and remembered the lessons. We want you to get the most out of this course and provide you with the knowledge and confidence you need to apply what you learn to your job or career. You may retake the final test once you have revisited the course material.

Yes! We want you to get as much out of this course as possible. We encourage you to refer back to your course materials from time to time to refresh your memory and ensure that you are confident on the subject. Therefore, when you purchase this course, you will have lifetime access to the course materials.