At Ecology Training UK you’ll learn the vital practical skills, in-depth knowledge and career confidence to not just get a job, but develop a sustainable career in ecology.
You’ll be able to:
- Get practical experience that’ll set you apart from the rest
- Gain superior knowledge taught by specialists
- Feel more confident in finding your dream job
And nurture your passion for nature!
Whether you are an individual looking to begin or enhance your career in ecology or a team leader who wants to refresh or improve your staff’s skills, we have something for you.
Our philosophy
We believe that being an ecologist is not just a job, it’s a calling. Ecology Training UK’s team of experienced tutors are professional, practising ecological consultants who are committed to training future ecologists and conservationists and sharing their passion for wildlife.
That’s why our courses are the best. Our trainers are in the field doing what they love when they are not teaching courses, so they have the up-to-date knowledge and relevant experience that will give your learning the edge over the competition.
At the helm is Sue Searle, BSc, PGDip, MCIEEM, Senior Tutor, Managing Director and Principal Ecologist at Ecology Training UK. She has worked in ecology consultancy since 2003 and has been teaching award-winning ecology courses since 2006. Sue has guest lectured at Exeter, Bristol and Greenwich Universities and has also run courses for the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (CIEEM), Field Studies Council and The Mammal Society. Sue is also a trainer for UKHab. It’s no surprise that big environmental organisations the Conservation Volunteers, Groundwork UK and the National Trust are among our clients!
Ecology Training UK is on a mission to inspire you. Our courses don’t just provide you with the necessary tools to carve out a job. Our training offers life skills, too. We care about our students and will support you in your journey, offering advice on career progression, personal development and goal setting.